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Easy Guide to Planning a Birthday Party in Riverside, CA
planning the ultimate kids birthday party in riverside california
Renovations at Murrieta's Parkour Gym Freedom in Motion July 2023
Freedom in Motion Parkour gym in Murrieta has had some recent renovations. More are on the way with the aim of beautifying our parkour...
2023 West Coast Parkour Championship Qualifier At Freedom In Motion Gym Riverside California
Freedom In Motion Gym Riverside California, hosted the West Coast Parkour Championship Qualifier this last Memorial Day weekend, packing...
Freedom in Motion Parkour Gym in Riverside California
Freedom in Motion Parkour Gym in Riverside California located at 4788 La Sierra Avenue, RIverside CA is now open. see photos here!
FiM Riverside Update 4
Riverside California's Newest parkour gym Freedom in Motion. building update number 4
FiM Riverside Update 3
Freedom in Motion Parkour Gym Riverside California Build update Number three!
Snow Day at Freedom in Motion Parkour Gym
Snow in Loma Linda at Freedom in Motion Parkour gym. Rare winter storm brings snow to southern california
What is Parkour? An exclusive interview with FiM Founder and CEO, Jimmy Davidson
Arielle Parfait, publisher and editor of Macaroni KID sits down with the Freedom in Motion founder, Davidson and hears the whole FiM story!
FiM Riverside Location Update 2.0!
Nick Blake, co-owner of Freedom in Motion and lead designer of FiM's third location gives us a sneak peek on what is happening in Riverside.
Riverside CA Parkour Gym Freedom in Motion | Building Update No.1
Riverside California has a new parkour gym. See Freedom in Motion's latest building progress. parkour gym coming soon 4788 La Sierra Ave, Interview with Freedom in Motion Parkour Gym Founder Jimmy Davidson Interviews Freedom in Motion Parkour gym CEO & FOunder Jimmy Davidson. They name Freedom in Motion the best kids gym around Interview with Freedom in Motion Parkour Gym Founder Jimmy Davidson interviews Freedom in Motion Parkour Gym CEO and Founder Jimmy Davidson and discovers why Freedom in Motion a leading parkour gym Interview with Freedom in Motion Parkour Gym CEO Jimmy Davidson featured Freedom in Motion parkour gym as a model parkour gym setting the standard for others.
In a male-dominated sport, what's it like to go to an all-women's parkour event?
What went down at the annual women's parkour jam. Learn why a women-only space for parkour is so vital to the health of the sport.
Hops Co. gears up for World Chase Tag
The 2022 USA World Chase Tag event in Texas is one month away! This year Freedom in Motion and Coach Tyler's clothing brand, Hops Co, are...
Steven's Parkour Journey (So Far)
Learn how coach steven came to design parkour clothing and being a parkour coach at Freedom in Motion Parkour Gym in Loma Linda Ca.
Freedom In Motion’s Competitive Parkour Team Wins Big at Season Finals
June marked the end of the 2022 west coach parkour championships finals, held in Moreno Valley. Freedom in Motion wraps up the season...
Freedom in Motion's Mission & North Star
Freedom in Motion Parkour Gym's mission is to inspire 1 million people to discover the joy of movement through parkour, but that's not all..
New Parkour Gym in Loma Linda / Redlands CA.
Parkour gym in Loma Linda California. Parkour Gym in Redlands California. Best kids birthday parties and summer camps. learn more here.
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