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FiM Athletes Compete in Tampa, FL.

Two Coaches from Freedom in Motion Parkour Gym, Josh Malone and Lucas Harrlson, who won 1st and 2nd place in the Scottsdale Parkour Freerunning Freestyle event in November 2018, flew to Tampa Florida to compete in the USA Parkour Cup Freestyle Finals.

Watch the Vlog from our Josh and Lucas’s trip!

Incase you skipped the video – Spoiller alert- Unfortunately neither Josh or Lucas were able to make it to finals. 

However, both athletes were able to have a Pre-Finals Exibition Run. The two showcased their skills and were judged as if they were competing. Their scores were not added to the final decision. 

Here is what Coach Lucas had to say about his experience:

We ended up flying over night to Tampa and we were pretty exhausted. Josh and I however still made an effort to show up to the Youth Comp that morning to check out the area, cheer on the kids, and meet some of the other adult athletes competing.  After a few hours we decided to go to our hotel, not far from the competition, to try and catch up on sleep from all the flying and training we had just done.  After we woke up we almost immediately made our way over the Parkour Cup to see the Youth Freestyle Finals or the Speed Comp Finals.  Unfortunately when Josh and I had made it over to the competition site, we found out that we had missed the Alive After Five event which qualified Freestyle athletes for the Freestyle Skills  Challenge the day after. In all honesty neither Josh nor I knew that the Alive After Five event was meant for Freestyle athletes. For me personally this was because I based this competition after the comp in Arizona. Where Josh and I qualified for the Freestyle Finals, there was a speed and skills challenge, so for me I thought that the Alive After Five event was based around Parkour Skills. After understanding this dilemma Josh and I spoke with WFPF Officials.  They tried to work something out with us, and informed us that we will not be able to compete in the Freestyle Finals. But, since we had made the trip out, they decided to give us an exhibition run as a preview for the Adult Freestyle Event. We also found out that we were not alone. There was another competitor who had missed the Alive After Five event, and funny enough his name was Josh, just like my teammate. To further enjoy my time there, I decided to speak with members of other communities around the United States. Colorado, South Carolina, Texas and Florida’s local athletes. Also before the WFPF would start another event, they would allow athletes to play around on the course. Of course, I use this time to train, have fun and get some footage.  – Lucas Harralson
I spoke with Victor Bevine, one of the co-founders of the WFPF. We spoke a lot about the progression of Parkour overtime. From its origins in France, to its influence in the United States, and into what it has became today. I started parkour back in 2010 when I first seen it on MTV’s Ultimate Parkour Challenge, which was a parkour competition on live TV that was created by the WFPF and MTV. We also spoke about my small hometown in Missouri, and how the parkour community is growing and evolving. He offered me a chance to be interviewed and I took up the offer! Before my Exibition Run, I decided that I wanted to really play around with what the course has to offer.  In the end,  I’m extremely grateful for FiM Sponsoring our trip out there. Also I’m happy to have met so many athletes that I look forward to training with! – Lucas Harralson

The trip was still an adventure! The boys visited Denver Colorado and made a Vlog about the adventure!

Check out their video at


Here’s the link to a Livestream of the USA Parkour Cup! (Lucas’ run at 3:22/Josh at 4:30)

Interested in Competitive Parkour?

On Saturday and Sunday, March 2nd-3rd, FiM Athletes will be competing at Apex School of Movement for the West Coast Parkour Championship Qualifying Event! 

For more information about the West Coast Parkour Championships:

Freedom in Motion offers classes for Speed, Strength, Flow, Tumbling, for Level 2 Students and beginner courses for those interested in learning.

For more information about classes:



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