Freedom In Motion coaches and Street Team athletes (Freedom in Motion’s team of sponsored athletes) traveled to Arizona to compete in the Annual Scottsdale Parkour & Freerunning Challenge

From left to right : @jungleboyjumps @jushmelon @lucasharrqlson on the podium!
For the third year in a row, FIM athletes dominate the podium, taking Home 1st and 3rd in the freestyle event and an additional 3rd place win in the skills/speed event.
Freestyle winners Josh, Seth, and Lucas forgetting to smile! You can see both Lucas and Josh repping FIM in their Enzō Tees. Available here:
Joshua Malone, winner of adult freestyle said
“I always love coming to this event. The gym and setup are always great but it’s the people and community that really makes it” -Josh Malone

Lucas about to moments before launching into his freestyle run, which wins him 3rd place
Lucas typed out a little paragraph talking about his experience at the event. Here’s what he had to say:
I would like to start off by thanking the local community for helping us out! Everyone was hospitable and welcoming.During the competition I was a little nervous. After warmining up and prepping my runs I started to gain more confidence. When it comes to competition you have to mentally and physically prepare yourself for everything! You never want to pull out anything you haven’t trained and/or landed solidly multiple times!After Skills and Speed we walked into another building where we were going to have the freestyle competition. Freestyle went amazing! So many athletes with different skill sets and back grounds displayed their creative side on the course.During the awards ceremony for Freestyle I was excited to hear my name called for second place! Before hand I have never gotten to the podium in freestyle!I think I got even more excited when Josh got first!The only two FiM Athletes to compete in Freestyle made the podium in the top two spots! -Lucas Harralson
You can watch the boys freestyle runs on their Instagrams!
Josh’s run :
Lucas’s run: it was a great event held bye a great community. Check out Scottsdale Parkour and Freerunning here :
Interested in taking your movement to the competitive level? Freedom in Motion offers classes like the Speed and Flow class which are both designed to improve students ability to compete and win in competitions such as this.
Freedom in Motion has two competitions each year, one on the first Saturday in January called the New Years Comp and another in the Summer, the Summer Comp. Freedom in Motion also often holds events called Challenge Nights which are a great midway point between class and competition.
See what upcoming special events Freedom in Motion is hosting. View their events page, Click Here!
If you’re interested in competing or getting your child into a competitive swing, talk to your coach to get started!

Freedom in Motion.