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Innovative Styles In Parkour

Looking for some inspiration to spice up your training? Here are a few totally innovative videos by different athletes that are really pushing some boundaries.

These four athletes each demonstrate an excellent example of ways to be creative and move with style and flow. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are countless variations and style adaptations to be found from athletes all over the globe. Do you know some talented flow athletes? Let us know in the comments below! We love hearing about up and coming athletes!

Want to see what some interesting movements by local athletes? Check out these videos by Temecula Natives for more creative movement! – Josh Malone, flips and flow! – Jimmy and just a rail! – Sam Deluca! Incoherent recklessness!

Are you eager to learn some flow? Here are some examples of flowy movements you can learn to add some extra flow to your current movement vocabulary! Helicoptero Reversao Gainer Flash

We’ll be back soon with a new list of interesting and innovative athletes. Be sure to subscribe to our Blog to stay in the know! Do you have any athletes that have inspired your movement style? Let us know in the comments below!



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