Freedom in Motion's original location in Murrieta is moving just two blocks north opening in late spring 2024. You can learn all about this move and contribute to our fundraiser in exchange for some epic rewards here on this page.
The build is almost in its final stages! Our address will be 41604 Date Street, Suite E
However, at the time of this article, we are still operating out of our previous building on Cherry st.

Our original announcement
click here to read our original article announcing this move and why we are doing it.
Timeline of Events | When will Murrieta's new parkour gym open?
Freedom in Motion is already building in our new space only one block north of our current location. The new parkour gym address is 41604 Date Street, Suite E. You can walk from the current gym to the gym location with ease. For now until spring: We will keep our current gym open and operating until our new space is complete and ready to be moved into. Freedom in Motion will be in clear communication with its members and community about when we will be shifting sessions over to the new space, likely in the springtime.

January 2024: We may officially begin occupying the space and beginning our buildout starting January 1st. This will kick off a couple of months of design and construction.
March-May 2024: Depending on progress or the emergence of any unforeseen issues or permitting delays Freedom in Motion will be moving gym operations to our new location by the end of April at the latest.