Freedom in Motion Parkour gym in Murrieta has had some recent renovations.
More are on the way with the aim of beautifying our parkour gym!
As our first-ever location, FiM Murrieta is near and dear to our hearts. The gym is over 8 years old and needs some design updates. We opened our Murrieta gym in 2014! One of the world's first parkour gyms (crazy right?!).
We are taking the lessons learned from building our Riverside & Loma Linda gyms and are giving FiM Murrieta a makeover!
Jimmy explains more in this video below, if you prefer to read there is a bullet list below of some changes to come.
Here are a few improvements we are in the process of planning and acting on.
✅ Re-designing the viewing area to make it more spacious.
✅ Removing the non-movable large structure (foam pit castle) will make the gym feel way bigger!
✅ Adding a resi pit, which is like a movable huge foam pit. Think of it like a massive very squishy landing mat.
✅ New custom parkour vaulting blocks and other obstacles will soon follow
✅ Other general gym beautifications & More!
We're confident that these improvements will increase class quality, make the gym space feel bigger, improve gym safety, and give our coaches a greater ability to craft amazing parkour lessons and class experiences.
These improvements will take in various stages. At times sections of the gym will look incomplete or under construction.
We are carefully planning our building stages so as to not interrupt your family's parkour journey.
We have heard from members about how excited you are to see the improvements completed.
We greatly appreciate your enthusiasm and patience while we complete the renovation.