Call up your training buddies and pack up your backpack.
It’s time for our first ever Spot Movement Challenge.

What is a Spot Movement Challenge (SMC)? An SMC is when one or more athletes create a progression of challenges at a location for others to come and try for themselves. Challenges often will focus on one fundamental movement at its easiest level of movement, and increase in technical difficulty as the challenge progresses. These challenges will follow Freedom in Motion’s level-up progression system, for those of you who are students or coaches at FiM.
For our first SMC, we are at what has become known as the “Overland Spot”. This location can be found on Overland Ave in Temecula just to the west of the Jefferson Ave and Overland intersection South West of the Promenade mall. Check out this sophisticated map for the exact location.

Learn The Kong Vault
*If you can already kong, feel free to skip to the challenges below.*
The following challenges build off of the kong vault, so you will need to know this move before tackling the SMC. Kongs can be a particularly tricky move to master, if you’re still learning this move then check out this tutorial video we found online for some helpful advice (Click here for said video). The Overland spot is an awesome location to learn kong ups and kong vaults since it offers a variety of wall heights right next to the soft grass. The foot traffic is pretty low so you can train without people stopping to stare at you while practicing. In case you’re in the process of learning kongs, here are the progressions we teach at FiM in a nutshell. There is more to it of course, but here is a rough guide to follow.

Floor donkey kicks Place your hands on the floor, hop your hips up above your head sort of like you’re trying to do a handstand but your knees are tucked up to your chest. Only jump your hips about 20 degrees above your shoulders, no need to go full vertical here.
Hop into a floor donkey kick. From a squat, hop out a few feet, place your hands on the floor and execute a donkey kick from the previous progression.
Floor kongs. From a squat, dive your hands out a few feet and place them on a floor. Once your hands hit, use your core to bring your feet to your hands with your knees in between your arms.
Kong up: Kong up to a hip height object.
With previous steps mastered, you’re ready to try and kong vault over an obstacle.
Okay let’s get to the challenges
Level 1: Kong vault
The goal of Level-1 is to perform a successful kong vault over any of the walls in the area. Some walls have grass on one side of them and are at a pretty good vaulting height. This makes for some great conditions to work on your Kong vault fundamentals. The remaining 4 levels take full advantage of the nuances of Kong tech so be sure to get level-1 down well. If you have completed this task, then move up to level-2.

Level 2: Kong Cat
Using the concrete walkway as your run up, kong vault the 4ft tan colored wall and cat onto the pillar just on the other side. Be sure to complete the movement with a top out on top of the pillar! It only counts if you stand up on it and maintain balance. Not strong enough to perform a clean top out? Take a moment to condition some climbing drills on the walls in this spot to help build the strength you need.

Level 3: Kong Precision
Like the kong cat in Lv-2, in level-3 we will be using the same walls and run up. Kong the same wall and precision the top of the pillar in this progression. It is a tight space if you need to bounce back so be sure to practice your bail options if this level is proving difficult. Looking to spice things up? Substitute the kong vault for a speed vault or any other vault of your choosing! (We’d like to see a video of that!)

When training outside Always remember that when you’re training outdoors you represent the entire parkour community. It is up to you to be respectful to the property you are using to train and to be respectful those who own it and who are also there to use it. If you are asked to move away from the spot, please do so immediately. Please, always check your landing zones and surfaces so that you can be sure you do not cause harm to anything you use in practice. You recognize that you are training at your own risk, and no one else can ever be held responsible for your mistakes when training. Got it?
This spot has so much more to offer than just these challenges. Athletes of all levels can find some fun wall play at this spot on both sides of the street. If you have completed any of these challenges, we would love to see some video! Upload to social media with the hashtag #SMCOverland and well take a look! Feel free to tag it with #Freeyourself and #FreedominMotion while you’re at it :p
Have an idea for locations or specific challenges for a future Spot Movement Challenge? Contact us at and let us know!
Train Safely!
